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Full Volume 3: May 2020

Editor-in-Chief Notes

As Co-Editor-in-Chiefs of the QUEST Journal, we are excited to present the newest edition of our publication to our fellow students and faculty of Queens University of Charlotte. This year was a very exciting time for our club as we welcomed new and dedicated members to our staff team. These past two years we have been able to inform others and share the reputation of QUEST. In Spring 2019 was the planning and coordination of our very first scientific conference, Southeastern Undergraduate Science Symposium (S.E.U.S.S.), which welcomed other private universities from across the North Carolina region to join us in gaining and creating knowledge within the scientific field. Similarly, in Fall 2019, QUEST attended the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (S.N.C.U.R.C.S) to inform fellow North Carolina undergraduate students of the opportunity to publish in our journal. Thanks to this momentum, we have been able to publish our very first independent, peer-reviewed research paper. We wish to thank all the faculty at universities across the southeast who agreed to be reviewers under a variety of subjects. Hopefully we can use of all of your expertise in the future. We especially thank our anonymous reviewer of the article in this issue for making this possible. We hope that future members will be able to continue sharing the news and success of QUEST.

The expansion of our club and its successes throughout the school year goes to show what can happen when hardworking, intellectual people gather to achieve one common goal. What was once a thought for a club many years ago has now become a staple of the scientific community on our campus. If we have learned anything this year, it is that if you have an idea for something: a research paper, a new club, or even a scientific symposium, reach out to the like-minded people around you and see what can happen. We encourage all students to submit to our journal and come to talk to us about their scientific endeavors so that we can help make their idea, a reality.

May your QUEST bring you success,

Allison Blackwell and Joy Ward

Co-Editor-in-Chiefs of the QUEST Journal, 2019


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